Monday, August 25, 2014

Farming Like Crazy!


So, as you know from last week, I have a back problem, and can't really sit down to play. Another thing, we went on vacation in Lake Tahoe for the week. But I took my laptop, and did get some downtime to play while lying on the bed, with the laptop on my belly. As you can imagine, you can't do anything significant like that, so I focused on just doing my housing plots, and some other out in the world farming.

Oh, before I forget, let me tell you about why I stopped playing on Evindra. Being in a guild has its upsides. There were nice people to talk to, and you could get help for stuff if no one responded in zone chat etc. However, always being visible online, and always seeing what people posted was a drag. Especially when people posted puerile and childish stuff in guild chat to do with 'Dog farts' etc. So, I decided, yet again, that a Guild wasn't for me, and went back to playing my Thunderfoot characters. Before I did though, I did start Tailorbrit:

So, all week, practically all I did was to farm the housing plots. Other than that, Cassy farmed a couple of things out in the world. One was Logicleak. The other was Xenocite Ore. I was tired of waiting for Meccy to get to 30 to get a Tier 3 plot, and just went and farmed it. She farmed enough to get Chewwy to Expert Weaponsmith.

I did manage to get some regular play before, and after, vacation. I decided to level Meccy to 30 and made some progress towards that goal, getting her to 26.

Meccy at 26
The thing I'm doing with her is to craft stuff for her when she hits a new level. Sometimes a new level will open up a new weapon, or new piece of armor, and with Refine Power Cores from Teccy, it's making leveling much easier.

I also decided to start doing the Crimson Badlands dailies on Cassy again. Mostly so that she continues to get Tier 5 crafting mats. I did this for the last couple of days and will continue next week. Cassy continues to make lots of plat:

Rolling in it
Here's the current state of play:

Dominion on Thunderfoot:

Cassybrit (Cassian/Spellslinger/Scientist) Level 50
Bags: 15/14/14/13 Crafts: Mining Tier 5 Survivalist Tier 5
Esperbrit (Cassian/Esper/Settler) Level 26
Bags: 10/9/9/8 Crafts: Survivalist Tier 4 Architecture Tier 5
Meccybrit (Mechari/Engineer/Soldier) Level 26
Bags: 10/10/9/8 Crafts: Mining Tier 4 Armorer Tier 4

Chewwybrit (Chua/Engineer/Explorer) Level 20
Bags: 10/8/7/7 Crafts: Mining Tier 4
Weaponsmith Tier 5
Teccybrit (Draken/Spellslinger/Settler) Level 30
Bags: 11/10/10/9 Crafts: Relic Hunting Tier 5 Technologist Tier 5
Slingerbrit (Cassian/Spellslinger/Scientist) Level 30
Bags: 10/10/9/9 Crafts: Survivalist Tier 5 Tailoring Tier 4

Exiles on Avatus:

Bunnybrit (Aurin/Spellslinger/Scientist) Level 3
Bags: 10/0/0/0 Crafts: N/A

Dominion on Evindra:

Cassybrit (Cassian/Spellslinger/Settler) Level 24
Bags: 10/10/9/8 Crafts: Relic Hunting Tier 4 Technologist Tier 3 
Drakkybrit (Draken/Spellslinger/Scientist) Level 14
Bags: 10/8/6/5 Crafts: Survivalist 3 Architecture 1
Tailorbrit (Cassian/Spellslinger/Scientist) Level 15
Bags: 10/8/7/6 Crafts: Mining 2 Tailoring 1

For Thunderfoot Dominion, I'm 182/300
For Avatus Exile, I'm 3/300
For Evindra Dominion. I'm 53/300

Next week, I plan to level Meccy to 30, then probably work on Chewwy, or maybe Teccy and Slinger, while continuing to do Dailies on Cassy.


Monday, August 18, 2014

Bloggus Innerupttus!

Hi there,

Sorry about this. No real blog post this week.

A couple of things happened. I hurt my back and can't sit down to play or type, Only standing or laying down works. So, I can't really do a long blog post. The other thing is that I'm on vacation for a week 17th-24th and only have my laptop, so can't do much playing anyway.

The big news for this week is that I stopped playing on Evindra and went back to Thunderfoot. All the details in next Monday's post.


Monday, August 11, 2014

Tradeskill Mash-Up!!


Well, I told you that would be the name, so I need to stick with it. But, to be honest, there were other major events this week that I'll get into later, that are really the highlight this week.

First to Tradeskills. I realized that I was doing Outfitter for nothing. None of my characters require it, so I dropped it. I moved Armorsmithing to Meccy, and put Mining on both Meccy and Chewwy. Then, I put Suvivalist on Esper, now that I had Mining covered on others, The side effect of all this was that getting Esper to 30 was no longer that important. Instead, getting Chewwy to 20 for the Tier 2 Mining Plot was now back on the table, and something I got done this week.

Now to the major news. I started playing on Evindra, and joined the Skullkickers guild. It's mostly made up of Coffee Thread forumites, so I recognize a lot in the guild. I started a Spellslinger, of course, called Cassybrit, of course :)

Evindra Cassybrit
It was fun doing the old zones again. Levian Bay and then Ellvar and Auroria. I chose Tech/Relic Hunt for Cassy, as I rather enjoyed that on Teccy. Cassy made it to 20, and some kind soul was kind enough to give me a Tier 2 Relic Plot. Thanks.

Cassy also joined in a Guild Shiphand mission to help get influence for the guild. Cassy + 3 Chua :)

Shiphand with Chua
I also started my 2nd character on Evindra. Drakkybrit. A Draken, wait for it, Spellslinger. She'll be my Arch/Survivalist. She only completed the starting zone.


Back on Thunderfoot, Cassy actually got Beloved with Northern Wastes, after doing the dailies for about 4 days. Then, she just totally stopped. Indeed, all I've been doing on my Thunderfoot characters lately is harvesting their housing plots.

So, there we have it. Massive news really. I'm not usually a Guild person, but this one just looked too much fun to pass up.

Dominion on Thunderfoot:

Cassybrit (Cassian/Spellslinger/Scientist) Level 50
Bags: 15/14/13/13 Crafts: Mining Tier 5 Survivalist Tier 5
Esperbrit (Cassian/Esper/Settler) Level 26
Bags: 10/9/9/8 Crafts: Survivalist Tier 4 Architecture Tier 5
Meccybrit (Mechari/Engineer/Soldier) Level 23
Bags: 10/9/8/7 Crafts: Mining Tier 4 Armorer Tier 4

Chewwybrit (Chua/Engineer/Explorer) Level 20
Bags: 10/8/7/7 Crafts: Weaponsmith Tier 4 Mining Tier 3

Teccybrit (Draken/Spellslinger/Settler) Level 30
Bags: 11/10/9/9 Crafts: Relic Hunting Tier 5 Technologist Tier 5
Slingerbrit (Cassian/Spellslinger/Scientist) Level 30
Bags: 10/10/9/9 Crafts: Survivalist Tier 5 Tailoring Tier 4

Exiles on Avatus:

Bunnybrit (Aurin/Spellslinger/Scientist) Level 3
Bags: 10/0/0/0 Crafts: N/A

Dominion on Evindra:

Cassybrit (Cassian/Spellslinger/Settler) Level 20
Bags: 9/8/86 Crafts: Relic Hunting Tier 3 Technologist Tier 3 
Drakkybrit (Draken/Spellslinger/Scientist) Level 3
Bags: N/A Crafts: N/A

For Thunderfoot Dominion, I'm 179/300
For Avatus Exile, I'm 3/300
For Evindra Dominion. I'm 23/300

Well, what's the plan for next week? I think it will be to wean myself off even doing housing plots on Thunderfoot, and concentrate totally on Evindra. I'll make my 3rd character, a Mining Tailor, and level Cassy and Drakky and her.


Monday, August 4, 2014

Cooking is sooooo Frustrating!!


Yep, I'll get to Cooking in a while. But first I need to tell you why I decided to level it.

I started off, as planned, getting Teccy to 30. She got to 29 in Whitevale and then just did the first few quests in Farside to get to 30. You know the plan was then to work on Slinger more, and Teccy and get them to even higher levels. Well, I decided that I'm fed up with Esper only having a Tier 2 Mineral plot, so I decided that I needed to get her to 30.

She started doing some quests in Whitevale and it was going well, until she had to do the ones where you go behind the bookcase in a camp down into a cave. There are lots of mobs and they re-spawn quite quickly. She was getting some stuff done, died, went back, died, went back, died, went back died. You get the picture. I don't remember having this trouble before, and I realize why now. Others were doing it at the same time, but no such luck now. So, I decided that she could do with a bit of a Moxie boost from food to make it easier, so I started leveling cooking on Cassy.

Because I'd sent all the herbs to Teccy, Cassy needed to farm them all again for Cooking. And here's the frustrating bit. Every single recipe other than the base ones you buy from vendors is hidden, and needs to be discovered. This is unlike Architect and Technologist, where hidden recipes are the exception, and not the norm. It sometimes takes like 10-20 tries to get a recipe unlocked for Cooking. So frustrating! Anyway, Cassy farmed herbs and got Cooking 1, farmed more herbs, and got Cooking 2 and is almost done with Cooking 3 (Where are you Glowmelon :)). She did create Moxie boost food, and sent to Esper.

Then Esper was able to complete that cave. She then went to the Hazmat Suit cave, and completed that in one run, even with no one else running it. The Moxie boosts last 30 minutes, so she had an easier time, and made it to 25 now, and is about to head to the Lopp area (no caves, thankfully :)).

Cassy has continued to do the Dailes, but got to Beloved with Crimson Badlands, so she stopped doing those. So she only does the Northern Wastes ones now. She's been accumulating tons of Galactium Ore and Starloom Cloth.


The Starloom Cloth is waiting for Slinger to get to Expert, but I haven't found anything good to do with Galactium Ore. But a thread on the forums said that crafting Lopp Hookah (vendors for just above 71s) was a good use, if you have the right Architect talents that reduce the Ore needed, and can return Ore on a successful craft. So, I concentrated on getting more Talent points for Architect on Esper, and got to Expert. I finished just this morning, and now Esper can make tons of gold with all the Galactium Ore I have.

Just wanted to let you know what's happening with CREDD prices on Thunderfoot. It's been steadily rising, since I bought my last one for 6p.

As you can see, lowest sell is now 7p, and highest Buy is a little over 6p. As I have over 20p again on Cassy, and 4p, 3p, 3p on other characters, it's not an issue at all, but I'm just keeping an eye on it.

Dominion on Thunderfoot:
Cassybrit (Cassian/Spellslinger/Scientist) Level 50
Bags: 15/14/13/13 Crafts: Mining Tier 5 Survivalist Tier 5
Esperbrit (Cassian/Esper/Settler) Level 25
Bags: 10/9/8/8 Crafts: Mining Tier 4 Architecture Tier 5
Meccybrit (Mechari/Engineer/Soldier) Level 23
Bags: 10/9/8/7 Crafts: Suvivalist Tier 4 Outfitter Tier 3

Chewwybrit (Chua/Engineer/Explorer) Level 18
Bags: 10/7/7/6 Crafts: Weaponsmith Tier 4 Armorsmith Tier 4

Teccybrit (Draken/Spellslinger/Settler) Level 30
Bags: 11/10/9/9 Crafts: Relic Hunting Tier 5 Technologist Tier 5
Slingerbrit (Cassian/Spellslinger/Scientist) Level 30
Bags: 10/10/9/9 Crafts: Survivalist Tier 5 Tailoring Tier 4

Exiles on Avatus:

Bunnybrit (Aurin/Spellslinger/Scientist) Level 3
Bags: 10/0/0/0 Crafts: N/A

For Dominion, I'm now 176/300. For Exile, I'm 3/300 :)

The plan for next week is to level Esper to 30 and get the Mineral Tier 3 Kit. Then, I'll work on Slinger and Teccy again. I'll continue doing the NW dailies on Cassy, but I don't know what I'll do when I get to Beloved with them. Maybe just stop doing dailes!?
