That's right, Cassy finally made it to 50 on about Wednesday I think. Just knocking off the quests in Western Grimvault got her there. And here she is:
Cassybrit at 50 |
I'll be using this guide for what to do at 50:
Level 50 Guide
Well, I had 5 Dominion, and all Crafts covered except Tailoring. So, I decided to make a Tailor. Meet Slingerbrit, another Cassian Spellslinger:
Slingerbrit |
I just love Spellslingers, so on the Dominion side I'm now full, with 3 Spellslingers, 2 Engineers, and 1 Esper. I took Survivalist to pair with the Tailoring, and got Slinger to 14, so she could start harvesting wood on the Thicket plot.
What else I did was get Meccy to level 20. That's so she could upgrade to the Tier 2 Thicket. She's still only get Ironbark Wood though, which is a bit annoying. I'm asking about this on the Wildstar forums. She's got the most gold out of any of my toons at level 14 because of just vendoring the wood. She's got about 20g, whereas my toons usually have less than 10g at this point. The leather and meat will just go to Meccy for Outfitting and Cassy for when I decide to level up Cooking.
I also got Teccy to 14 so she could get a Relic plot and Garden plot for fun Technologist materials.
Dominion on Thunderfoot:
Cassybrit (Cassian/Spellslinger/Scientist) Level 50
Bags: 13/13/13/13 Crafts: Mining Tier 5 Relic Hunting Tier 5
Esperbrit (Cassian/Esper/Settler) Level 20
Bags: 10/8/7/7 Crafts: Mining Tier 4 Architecture Tier 4
Meccybrit (Mechari/Engineer/Soldier) Level 20
Bags: 10/9/8/7 Crafts: Suvivalist Tier 3 Outfitter Tier 2
Chewwybrit (Chua/Engineer/Explorer) Level 10
Bags: 10/6/4/3 Crafts: Weaponsmith Tier 3 Armorsmith Tier 2
Teccybrit (Draken/Spellslinger/Settler) Level 14
Bags: 10/6/5/4 Crafts: Relic Hunting Tier 2 Technolgist Tier 2
Slingerbrit (Cassian/Spellslinger/Scientist) Level 14
Bags: 10/6/5/5 Crafts: Survivalist Tier 3 Tailoring Tier 1
Exiles on Avatus:
Bunnybrit (Aurin/Spellslinger/Scientist) Level 2
Bags: 10/0/0/0 Crafts: N/A
The plan for next week is to get Chewwy to 14 (just so he/she can log off immediately :)) and do dailies and grind Elder Gems on Cassy. I will probably work on leveling Meccy further, so that I can at least start getting Ancient Wood from regular play.